Divorce - 5 Steps to make the journey less daunting


Join Sunila Bali - Attorney at Law specializing in Corporate matters, Family Law & Immigration consequences of criminal & family law outcomes & I to discuss the 5 key steps to make your journey through Divorce less daunting! 

This event was conducted inside the Spiritual Women Leaders Facebook Community. To join the community, please click here

1) Are you living together yet separate?

2) Terms or timelines of separation - minor children vs adults

3) Fault or No Fault divorce?

4) Mediation vs Litigation

5) Custody of kids and Immigration

Sunila at [email protected]; 703-891-1985

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Toxic Workplace - Are you the Problem?


Are you one of those who feels like the workplace is toxic and no matter what you do, the feeling of accomplishment is not there or that it is hard to deal with the negativity around you?

In this two part YouTube video series on Workplace Boundaries,  I discuss three main aspects:

  1. How we perceive Work in general - bringing a shift to that on a fundamental conscious level
  2. How YOU may be the reason for the way you feel about your workplace; The symptoms that relate to us being the reason and the related subconscious beliefs
  3. Boundary Busters: 10 types of boundary violations (that I term as Boundary Busters) that we may encounter with others

The first two topics are addressed in this video Workplace Boundaries - Are YOU the problem?

As you listen to this video, contemplate how many of these self symptoms have you encountered

Have you felt that your Workplace is your identity? Or do you hate authority figures? 

Comment or respond to me via email to share what...

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Happy New Year & The Magic Wand to change others...is HERE!


Hey there!

Are you looking for a magic wand to change someone in your life? Are you someone who is tired of constantly having to explain what someone should do and not do in your relationship with them? e.g. are you wanting that your significant stops making fun of you in front of friends? are you hoping that your child gets to bed on time? And nothing seems to change after years of trying them to change them?

If yes, then you will LOVE this week's video I am sharing with you. This will give you the Dos to get that change to happen.

Last week we saw the 4 signs of not having healthy boundaries. Now we are going a little deeper into looking really understanding what boundary setting really is, and what it is NOT.

This week's video excerpt covers the Dos and Don'ts when setting healthy boundaries. When I started getting familiar with what boundaries are, I realized that I was doing exactly what the "don'ts" of establishing them are until then. Just knowing what to do and...

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Did you know setting Healthy Boundaries is key to happy life?


Did you know that in order to live a happy life it is necessary to establish healthy boundaries with others?

Hi there!


- a concept that was unknown to me 5 years ago..no kidding!

My own journey and experiences taught me what healthy boundaries are, where I was not setting them or maintaining them.

As of today, I have completed teaching this topic in 4 sessions within my Iridescence Academy Monthly Membership group.

  1. Part 1 is on the Need for boundaries, why we don't set them, what are the symptoms of lack of boundaries and the Universal Laws governing boundaries (along with electromagnetic activations).
  2. Part 2 is on Establishing Healthy Boundaries with Friends, Family, Significant Other, Children (with electromagnetic activations)
  3. Part 3 is on Establishing Healthy Boundaries in Workplace (with electromagnetic activations)
  4. Part 4 is on Techniques to establish Healthy Boundaries and How do we know if we have...
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