Did you know setting Healthy Boundaries is key to happy life?


Did you know that in order to live a happy life it is necessary to establish healthy boundaries with others?

Hi there!


- a concept that was unknown to me 5 years ago..no kidding!

My own journey and experiences taught me what healthy boundaries are, where I was not setting them or maintaining them.

As of today, I have completed teaching this topic in 4 sessions within my Iridescence Academy Monthly Membership group.

  1. Part 1 is on the Need for boundaries, why we don't set them, what are the symptoms of lack of boundaries and the Universal Laws governing boundaries (along with electromagnetic activations).
  2. Part 2 is on Establishing Healthy Boundaries with Friends, Family, Significant Other, Children (with electromagnetic activations)
  3. Part 3 is on Establishing Healthy Boundaries in Workplace (with electromagnetic activations)
  4. Part 4 is on Techniques to establish Healthy Boundaries and How do we know if we have established them (with electromagnetic activations)

Glad to share the excerpt from Part 1- 4 signs of not having set healthy boundaries with all of you via the post in my YouTube channel.

Excerpts from remaining parts will posted over the following 3 weeks. I am so excited to see the difference this makes in all your lives!

Would love to hear from you if any of this resonates for you.<3

You can view the 4 signs of not having healthy boundaries video on this link here on YouTube.

With Love & Gratitude 



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