Launch of your Personal Mastery hub - New Website & YouTube Channel

youtube Nov 15, 2020
Last 5 years have been pivotal and transformational in my life. From having an externally picture perfect family life and corporate career as an Engineer and an MBA with well paying job, my life was many people's dream.
However there comes a time in your life, when you can no longer live a lie, no longer live your life to please others, no longer fake it till you make it, no longer live being worried about what will others say, then something changes. That change happens INSIDE you.
And you start to ask many questions about
  • why some relations are the way it is,
  • why is it no matter what you do - the patterns of issues stay the same and keeps repeating,
  • no matter how hard you try, others do not change.

Then you realize that that you are trying to remove the blemish from the mirror instead of focusing on your face where the blemish is. That the only person you have been given the power to change is YOU.

Once you commit to the path of your heart, then these concepts such as Self Love, Self Respect, Self Esteem, Self Acceptance, Letting Go, and establishing Healthy Boundaries start to show up - that we need to embody but never did nor were educated on.
Things start to change slowly, when you learn the difference between being Selfish and Selflove, to worry less about what others think, to listen to your heart, to say yes to life in your terms, to stand tall in your path with courage and strength. Things you could not imagine possible for you, start to become possible. Why?
Because you stopped giving your power away to others - to validate who you are, to accept you or love you. You take your power back as you learn to love, accept and respect yourself.
This is my journey in a nutshell, however this is not all. This journey was not laid out in 3 paragraphs like I did. Nor was it easy. It still is not. There are still days where I question every decision, every step, and sometimes just drop down on my knees and cry. But the only thing that keeps me going is this - No one else can walk this path for me. This life is a sum total of my choices. I am no longer playing it small.
Yes its been a difficult journey but no one said its impossible. It took every ounce of courage and strength that I had, for me to make these personal and professional decisions. A lot of this was trial and error, supported by many healers, articles, books, courses.
This would not have been possible without the GIFT GIVERS in my life - each person who showed me the mirror by judging, speaking behind me, questioning my choices, well intentioned yet projected remarks of their own insecurities, list is long. I call them Gift Givers because without them I would not be who I am today. They each taught me to learn to love myself fiercely and fearlessly. Because when you fully and completely love and accept yourself, nothing bothers you. You are able to see each person for who they are - as divine spark of light ✨who is on their own journey of healing, helping you by showing the mirror. Whatever is inside shows up on the outside. I am grateful to each of them. This is not about anyone else, this journey is about me and who I am becoming.
Long story short (Yeah I know its long enough already lol), I decided to share my learnings and experiences with those who may be called to it and resonate with it. Hence I am glad to announce the launch of my Youtube Channel for Personal Mastery.
The channel has a line up of weekly videos (published every Sunday 12:15amET) on various topics Self love, Self Acceptance, Non attachment , Establishing boundaries, Handling fears, and workplace centered topics like Conflict Resolution, Teamwork, Leadership etc. There is a mix of Practical and spiritual messages and electromagnetic energy activations using ThetaHealing(R). There is something for everyone who is called to it, whether its personal or professional environment. ❤
If you feel guided to, you are welcome to follow the channel. I appreciate each of you that already have 🙏❤
Also, is now redirected to my new website My email ID has changed as well so you can now reach me on [email protected] or [email protected];
Please bookmark the new site and add [email protected] to your contact list so my emails arrive in your Inbox.
Much love and gratitude!

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